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Top 10 Football fouls and fights
Did you enjoy the brilliant Top 20 Comedy Football Moments (Vol. 2) t'other day? Well, the flip side of the footballing coin is the ugly bit of the game. This video features the recent spat between Inter and Valencia, but you'd have to look hard to top the horrendous Schumacher hip-tackle that saw Battiston breaking his jaw, losing teeth and very possibly an eye. Possibly.
[Mof Gimmers]
March 25, 2007 in Video clips | Permalink
Why is Caniggia trying to stay on his feet ? Had Argentine diving not evolved back then or did he just forget ?
Posted by: OmegaSupremeho | Mar 25, 2007 7:33:11 PM
Leonardo always seems so nice on the beeb......
Posted by: bryn | Mar 27, 2007 1:47:10 PM
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