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THE VOTE The Steve McClaren Israel Situation

Laurelhardybrennender How did England get themselves into yet another 'We've got a rubbish manager who we don't want' scenario? Anyway, no use moaning. Pies would like to suggest these two scenarios:

a) We scrape a result against Israel and then end up sneaking into Euro 2008, where we fail to get past the quarter finals because Stevie Mac is clueless.

b) Israel stuff us, and the FA is forced to sack McClaren and hire a decent manager - the catch being that we don't then qualify for Euro 08 because of the position McClaren has left us in. The upside is that we at least have a good manager to build for the next World Cup.

Not sure if I'd go for a) or b). The first choice seems the most likely scenario to actually happen, but that depresses the hell out of me, because it's so familiar to all England fans. I've read opinion from lots of England fans who actually want us to lose to Israel and so enforce scenario b), but no doubt the FA would cock things up again. All views welcome…

PS. Yes, I am shit at Photoshop.

March 23, 2007 in International football, Vote | Permalink


We, as England fans, should create a petition in which we state that McClaren lacks the top team experience to be an England manager, and should not be blamed for England's bad results IF he decides to do the honourable thing and resign his position. It'll get signed by pretty much anybody in the country, which will have to force the Ginger Joke out, and then we can start looking for a real manager, whilst El Tel coasts us to Euro 08 as caretaker manager.

Posted by: Joe | Mar 23, 2007 1:26:16 PM

Surely a little from column a and a little from b is possible no?

I'm sure Stevie "Wonder" McClaren wont leave if we win, but if we lose, we could still qualify with a storming finish to the group no?

Posted by: Billyo | Mar 23, 2007 2:20:20 PM

I think the Ginger Sven bashing is actually out of order. The thing is England just ain't that good. I've watched them for years and we just can't pass like John ny foreigner, lord knows why.

McLaren may have his pros and cons but there's no one short of Jesus himself who can transform our boys into world beaters. Hoping for a new manager to do that is called "false hope syndrome".

No we don't want to get merked, scrape a sneeky result and then try and merk the rest of the group at fortress Wembley I say.

Posted by: OmegaSupremeho | Mar 23, 2007 4:30:06 PM

England team has good players(relatively to other teams in the group), and is in a relatively weak group against third rate teams in Europe. Yet again and again we cann't produce even a single descent result. Forget about all those excuses, an intelligent person must wonder either England is overrated or something else must be terriblely wrong! The shortcut to win at this stage is to boast the morale in my opinion. Only three ways to do that:

1. an inspiring and top class manager;
2. an inspiring real team leader at pitch;
3. a formation with new breed of inspiring players.

Clearly England has none of them. Blame retarded "all yes man" Mac is not enough.

Posted by: Kevin Wang | Mar 25, 2007 11:36:13 AM

Let me put it this way: The problem is twofold. England is indeed overrated. It is acctually in the second bracket of top teams. However, even agaist third rated teams in the group, at least a single descent 3-0 is a natural result, if everthing else is all right. No question something else is also wrong.

Posted by: Kevin Wang | Mar 25, 2007 11:49:26 AM

I am from Croatia and I think that only third rated team is your team.You must play much better if you Want to named someone third rated team

Posted by: josip | Mar 25, 2007 12:51:42 PM

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