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High-school goalkeeper scores miracle goal in dying seconds
The pitch: high-school soccer team is losing 2-1 with less than five seconds to play. The goalie (the one in orange) rushes out to help his team-mates snatch an equaliser and bangs in a wonder volley from 30 yards just as the clock reaches zero. Only in America baby!
March 14, 2007 in Video clips | Permalink
Nice to see the quality of Yank footie is still terrible. Hoof it and hope anyone?
Posted by: Cheesy | Mar 14, 2007 12:32:37 PM
Ha - it is a bit 'everyone chase the ball madly' isn't it?
Posted by: Ollie, Pies Ed. | Mar 14, 2007 12:38:12 PM
They also need to sort out their pitch markings
Posted by: Dan | Mar 14, 2007 12:49:07 PM
As an American, every element of that video was painful for me to watch. This is what Beckham has to look forward to.
Posted by: Timothy B. | Mar 14, 2007 4:00:36 PM
How can you even play football on a pitch like that with all those markings?? It looked to me like that ball had gone out when the keeper hoofed it back up the pitch just before scoring?!
Posted by: Stu | Mar 15, 2007 2:07:46 PM
The ball is clearly half a yard out of play when the goalie hoofs it upfield (00:41). They still don't get this sawker lark, do they?
Posted by: Jezza | Mar 16, 2007 10:34:41 AM
It's f**king HIGH SCHOOL. Kids no older than 17.
You can't jag Yank footy for something like this.
Focus on the National team where the targets are more deserving...
Posted by: Brad | Mar 18, 2007 1:14:09 AM
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