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Dive of the week: Arjen Robben, Chelsea v Porto
Chelsea winger Arjen Robben did his bit to shake off his reputation as a diver by throwing himself to the floor in the penalty area against Porto last night. The technique was textbook: try and wait around long enough to be clipped by the defender's leg and a Klinsmann swallow dive to the deck. Unfortunately for Robben, his timing was out. Full marks to the referee for booking him.
[Rob Parker]
March 7, 2007 in Chelsea, European football, Funny old game, Video clips | Permalink
hey now, robben dives OUT OF THE WAY to avoid having his ankle broken again.
theres a big difference :)
- and the ref failed to notice a Porto leg scythe on Lampard moments later but did penalise lamps for touching the ball when he landed on it.
Posted by: joe | Mar 7, 2007 12:23:20 PM
Artist impression... 5 out of 10.
needs working on...
Posted by: kammii | Mar 7, 2007 2:55:20 PM
He dived all right, but that kick backwards by the Porto player just prior to that looked a bit iffy.
Posted by: Jezza | Mar 7, 2007 5:15:23 PM
If a player like Robben, Drogba, C.Ronaldo etc, dives I think you should be allowed to kick them until they get up.
Posted by: Rob | Mar 7, 2007 9:43:41 PM
arjen is white. leave him alone.
Posted by: Peter | Mar 8, 2007 8:47:15 AM
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