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HolloWatch: Ian shares his thoughts on American takeovers

Ian_holloway_1In his weekly BBC Sport column, Ian Holloway has been giving his opinion (of course!) on the current trend for takeovers of Premier League teams by American tycoons. He said: "If their money speaks and they don't interfere with the manager's decisions I'd take money from absolutely anybody. It could be a butcher, could be anybody. Give me the money and I'll spend it, me old cocker!"

HolloWatch: Ian shares his thoughts on American takeovers continued

He continued: "I love those American adverts for Budweiser - multi-ball, final shoot-out and all that...."you stick to the soccer, we'll stick to the beer". So especially for Pies treasure Ian Holloway here is his favourite advert:

[Rob Parker]

February 9, 2007 in HolloWatch | Permalink


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