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HolloWatch: If Pete Doherty can marry Kate Moss, 'there's hope for all of us ugly bastards!'

Kate_peter_325 Ian Holloway's latest column for the BBC Sport website (check it out here) is as entertaining as ever. He discusses broken New Year's resolutions, West Ham's woes, the FA Cup third round and the Pete Doherty/Kate Moss axis of tabloid evil, on which he is particularly enlightening: 'I think that'll be a very good catch for him. All I can say is there's hope for all of us ugly bastards. I've got a lovely woman and so's he – fair play.'

In other HolloWatch news, Ian is hoping to splash some cash in the January transfer window: 'I'm trying my utmost to add to what we've got here,' he told the Western Morning News. 'A striker is a priority, obviously. One of the bids is for a striker. The other one is for a utility player who can play in loads of different positions.'

Hollers also had typically bonkers words for injured Plymouth winger Bojan Djordjic, who requires an operation on a fractured cheekbone: 'There were some complications with his operation and they had to get him to go under again. His eye filled up with blood, and all sorts of stuff.

'When they moved it, they trapped a blood vessel and it looks absolutely horrific. You wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley. He looks like Count Dracula's kid brother, but he'll soon be back to the good-looking lad that he is, whereas I'm stuck looking like this, which is something he did tell me last weekend. But I don't want to joke about it, because it is quite serious.'

Happy New Year Ian! Up the Argyle!

More HolloWatch

January 5, 2007 in HolloWatch | Permalink


Utility players are so much more useful when they are able to play in loads of different positions!

Posted by: Rob P | Jan 5, 2007 11:39:30 AM

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