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HolloWatch: Ian's been 'polishing his car'

Swiss_640 Just when you think it's gone quiet on the Hollers front, he comes up with another classic quote. To give you the background, the Argyle boss was responding to a question about David 'Chuck' Norris and Tony Capaldi, two of his players at Plymouth. Last season, Holloway had the money to extend just one of the pair's contracts, and he chose Norris over Capaldi (who is now seeking a transfer). This is Hollers on the Norris/Capaldi situation:

'I've been polishing that car since I've been here. Unfortunately, I didn't buy it off the forecourt straight away [last summer] … I'm not going to spend all this time polishing that car and then let somebody rip it away from me off my drive in the summer for absolutely nothing. That's bad business. Somebody is going to have to buy it off me, and I might have to push it off my drive if it doesn't want to go.'

Swiss Toni lives! [Via Western Morning News]

January 26, 2007 in HolloWatch | Permalink


Lot of useful points are there its really keeps me updated. Good Work.

Posted by: Used Cars | Oct 26, 2011 5:28:07 PM

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