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So who wants to see Stefan Postma's sex tape?

Postma3272 As celebrity sex tapes go, this has to be one of the most bizarre we've ever heard about – a tape has emerged of ex-Aston Villa goalkeeper Stefan Postma being taken roughly from behind by his strap-on-wearing girlfriend.

Yes, you read that right – and it's not a sentence I ever thought I'd type :(

There is a NSFW pic after the click. You know, if you're curious…
[Via Fleshbot]

Ouch, that's gotta hurt like buggery. Those Dutch, eh – kinky sorts.

November 20, 2006 in Aston Villa, Babes, Funny old game | Permalink


up the villa

Posted by: ironegg | Nov 20, 2006 1:01:17 PM

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