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The Fiendish Friday Quiz

It's that time again. Stop what you're doing and have a good hard think…

1 Who was the first East German to play for the unified German national side?
2 Only one player has appeared for Man Utd, Man City, Liverpool and Everton. Who?
3 In the film Spinal Tap, 'lukewarm' bassist Derek Smalls wears an English club's shirt in several scenes. Which club?
4 Who's this brooding Premiership footballer (see photo)?
5 Which Spanish Premiership footballer's name translates into English as 'John Field'?
6 Tottenham, Oxford (Loan), Ipswich (Loan), Leicester, Bolton (current club). Which veteran's career path?

Answers below…

The Fiendish Friday Quiz continued…


Matthias Sammer, against Switzerland in 1990.
2 Peter Beardsley.
3 Shrewsbury Town.
4 Bobby Convey, of Reading.
5 Ivan Campo.
6 Ian Walker.

So how did you do? Anyone get all six right?

September 29, 2006 in Quiz | Permalink


Five outta six! Not bad at all!

Posted by: Mof Gimmers | Sep 29, 2006 2:08:45 PM

I need to crack the books, I average 1 correct per quiz! I even got the Sammer one wrong, I mean who puts Thomas Strunz?!?!? He can't even keep his wife from running off with Stefan Effenberg.

Posted by: joe | Sep 29, 2006 9:32:20 PM

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